Image credit: Alliance for Meat, Poultry and Seafood Innovation
Five leading cellular agriculture companies working across meats and fish development have joined forces to create a new lobby group that will represent their interests in Washington, DC.
Announced on August 29, 2019, The Alliance for Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Innovation, will also spearhead public awareness and public educational efforts about food technology, in specific, cellular agriculture.
Memphis Meats, JUST, Finless Foods, BlueNalu, and Fork and Goode, the five founding members of the Alliance, have been meeting weekly to connect on issues and milestones shared by the CellAg industry players ahead of the announcement.
In interviews, various spokespeople indicated that the Alliance would continue to serve as an idea exchange platform for member companies, helping to further the sector’s aims.

Media coverage of the announcement was highly positive, and regarded the Alliance formulation as an indicator that CellAg has made significant advancements towards launching products in the wider consumer marketplace.
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